What is Kinematic link and their types?

Kinematic link:-

It is a primary part of machine which gives the relative motion to some other link.
Define kinematic link, Types of kinematic link, classification of kinematic pair
Define kinematic link?

Types of kinematic link

1. Rigid link:- 

The Rigid link does not undergo any deformation during the transmitting of motion is known as the rigid link.

Example:- Connecting Rod, Crankshaft, etc.
What is rigid link, Define rigid link, Types of rigid link.
Define Rigid link?

2. Flexible link:-

The flexible link undergo deformation during transmission of motion is known as the flexible link.

Example:- Belt, spring, Chain, etc.
Define flexible link, types of rigid link.
What is flexible link?

3.  Fluid link:- 

The fluid link is which motion transfer pressure or compression is known as the fluid link.
Example:- Hydraulic brakes in vehicles, screw jacks, etc.
Define fluid link, types of link, types of kinematic link.
What is Fluid link?
