What is Waste elimination process?

Waste Elimination Process:-

Any activity in your process that does not add value is called Waste elimination process.
The waste elimination process is one of the most effective ways to increase the profitability of any business. Inventory is a waste that you see in many companies.
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fig:1 waste elimination process

There are many types of waste which are the most common waste in an organization:-

1. Motion:-

Any type of movements of people and machines without any adding value.

2. waste of transportation:-

Transportation materials are around the plant without adding value.

3. Waiting time:-

Idle time created when waiting for???

4. Overproduction:-

If you overproduction than you have more product so your product materials are waste.

5. Processing time:-

If your production time is very long then obviously your processing time is more.

6. Defects:-

Inspection and repair of materials because of weak process control, poor product and design misunderstand customer needs.

7. Inventory:-

Any type of supply in excess of any one-piece flow through your manufacturing process.

8. Non-usage of human skills:-

None using people's abilities (mental, physical, skill).

9. Excess processing:-

efforts you have that adds no value to the product or service from the customer viewpoints.
define waste elimination process, waste elimination process example
fig:2 waste elimination process
